Sunday, August 12, 2007


After a lovely drive through the countryside, down winding roads, into the valley and out again, we came to the town of Mosbach. We parked in the altstadt, and there began our tour. There is a walking tour with markings on the houses and shops of certain locations that can be identified, and described with the help of a guide from the tour office. But, this being Sunday, they were not open, and so we were left to guess the significance of the labels.

The altstadt is smaller than a lot of other towns we've visited, but it is marked by the beautiful, traditional, half-timbered houses along with many flowers and fountains. Children's playthings along the road add fun for them, while letting the adults soak in the sights.

It seems that every town around has a mark of some sort that helps to identify itself. For Ulm it was the birds. For Mosbach, it is optical illusions. Every couple of blocks, you come upon an object that will beset your eyes. The circular ones turned, to make you dizzy. There were others also, and they added modern interest to the atmosphere.

We toured the altstadt and had lunch within 2 hours and could have easily spent more time finding the gardens and park, but we called it a day. We want to go back on a Saturday when everything is actually open, because they have a lot of cool shops to see.

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