Wednesday, August 22, 2007


The other night, most likely it seems to me that it was Friday, Nathaniel was fussy in his sleep and kept stirring, so as to keep me awake. The third time I heard him cry, I went into his dark room again, and he immediately knew I was there, though his eyes were squeezed tightly closed. I brushed his hair back and quietly asked him, "What's the matter, baby?" He started tossing in his bed and said, "Mommy, I don't want to eat the broccoli!" I just had to laugh and tell him, "That's okay. You don't have to eat any right now." He settled right down and stayed asleep the rest of the night.

You see, last week we decided that since he kept insisting that he's a big boy now, then big boys eat their vegetables at dinner or else they get no dessert. It is too funny that it literally turned into a nightmare for him. Poor lil' guy. What can you say to that?

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