Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Mr. Rutz & Ginger

Does anyone know who Mr. Rutz is? He must be some exciting person in the imagination of my children, because I certainly never heard of him until Sunday night. Now Nathaniel is very happy to be Mr. Rutz himself, and take orders from Ginger, who is really his bossy sister, Ariel.

Well, the character Ginger you see, is a bossy Brit herself, but is well organized and can think on her feet. She is a chicken. On a movie. Chicken Run, to be exact. But, Mr. Rutz? We have yet to figure that one out. Maybe it will always be a mystery to us. But it is amusing to hear Nathaniel refer to himself as Mr. Rutz, and respond to that name as well, and even more funny to watch Ariel pretending to be Ginger and ride her imaginary pony, Pinto, at the same time. Like chickens would ride a pony. Funny indeed.

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