Saturday, September 22, 2007


Can you believe it? The American dollar has hit an all-time low on the exchange rate charts.

Check out this article;,2933,297557,00.html

This does not make me happy at all since we are amongst the million Americans on payroll that live outside of the country. Where is our payraise to compensate our loss? We pay our bills in another currency, and all of us signed contracts when the dollar was worth significantly more. At least by 15cents on the dollar. Do you realize that equals almost $17,000/ yr for our contract? Can you imagine your paycheck being cut like that and you being ok with it? Granted, we would have to get the exchange rate of every single day that has past in order to get a more reasonable assessment of what we've actually lost in income for the past year, which is not that much. But the year isn't over yet, and neither are negotiations. We shall see what the future holds soon, I hope.

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