Monday, October 29, 2007


The kids have now been to Awana 3 times and have learned their mottos and verses, and thus received their vests for their respective clubs they're in. A Sparks vest for Ariel, and the Cubbies vest for Nathaniel. They are so proud of themselves that they had to wear to them to school on Friday to show them to their teachers and friends. I promptly took them back home with me though so they wouldn't get ruined at school. Now they want to wear the vests all the time, so we had to implement a new rule; Only wear the vests at Awana. Good grief. They were terribly disappointed, but it does give them more to anticipate every Thursday. Now since we started late in the school year, the kids must learn 2 lessons every week until Christmas. But they like learning their verses and stories so far, so hopefully it will continue to be a fun and educational activity for them.

2 thumbs up for my babies at doing so well at memorizing! I am so proud of them, but I think they are even prouder of themselves, which is a marvelous lesson to learn.

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